Episode 72: Choosing Consistency

This week, Peter and Robyne examine the power of consistency: how it can change our behaviours, outcomes, and even the way we understand our own identities. Plus, an alternative approach to conflict resolution rooted in curiosity.


Show Notes

We cover many topics in this episode, including:
- Consistency is powerful - it has a positive effect on you to follow through with small things you do consistently, and it delivers long-term results
- To truly see a change in your behaviour with regards to accomplishing goals, you need to start treating that goal as your identity - you’re not someone who dabbles in writing occasionally - you’re a writer! You’re not someone who’s trying to lose weight - you’re someone who exercises and eats healthy
- Decide who you wish to be, and allow that identity shift to alter your behaviour, rather than focusing on specific goals you’re trying to achieve, because they don’t create a lasting change once the goal is accomplished 
- ‘Choice Paralysis’ can prevent you from functioning at your optimum level because you can’t make choices about even small details, which then leads you to feel overwhelmed by the bigger picture
- If you don’t feel you are someone capable of accomplishing a certain task, try borrowing the mentality of the type of person who IS capable of that task, and use that as a tool to make the choices you need to make to accomplish that task
- “You can’t hate yourself healthy” - you need to be in a frame of mind that supports your healing/growth/journey in order for real positive change to happen
- Today is Day 1 of your goals - “A year from now you’ll wish you started today”
- By teaching, we get an even better understanding of the things we already felt we knew
- When trying to resolve conflict with teens (or anyone), challenge yourself not to show up with any preconceived baggage, and instead have your first reaction be a sense of curiosity - be mindful to model for them how you would like them to approach dealing with conflict

I’ve been energized by this idea of [asking myself], “Who do I wish to be?” and then just allowing the habits to emerge out of those identity shifts. – Peter

Additional Resources:
- Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe on the Resilient Humans Podcast
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
- Your Time - Peter and Robyne’s asynchronous learning experience is now available! Please click the link to learn more.

Hosted by Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe and Peter Katz
Produced by Trevor Campbell
Edited by Sean Ban Beaton
Theme song by Peter Katz 
Podcast cover art by Trevor Campbell 
Show logistics by Erin Marshall and Jenna Green 

Connect with Peter Peterkatz.com | Peterkatzspeaks.com 
Connect with Robyne Drrobyne.ca  

Follow Peter and Robyne on social media:
Peter Katz: Facebook: @peterkatzmusic | Instagram: @peterkatzmusic
Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe: Instagram: @dr_robynehd | Twitter: @dr_robynehd

*The information presented in this podcast is intended for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional if you require assistance.

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Episode 73: Silence & Curiosity


Episode 71: Memory Anchors (Originally broadcast on Apr. 4, 2023)