Episode 59: Meaning to the Menial

In today’s episode, Peter and Robyne explore ways to give meaning to seemingly “menial” tasks to increase engagement, enjoyment, and overall impact. Plus, how to change our perspective on challenging moments and past “failures.”

Today’s surprise question:
How do we build community as grown-ups?


Show Notes

We cover many topics in this episode, including:
- Try to find something mindful in seemingly menial tasks in order to keep yourself engaged in some way
- Be intentional about the first moment when you greet someone - it can set the tone for the whole interaction, and the rest of the day after
- Noticing all the positives in your day/life (“stacking the positives”) rather than only noticing the negatives may seem a small trajectory change, but over time it will bring you to a noticeably better place
- When you feel your day is going in a negative direction, take a pause and recalibrate
- From an evolutionary perspective, we are hardwired to look for threats and danger, so ‘gladdening the mind’ doesn’t come instinctually - it is effortful. Make the effort.
- Try keeping a ‘Failure Journal” where you fill in the failure moments of your week, and leave a few empty lines at the end of each entry to come back to every quarter and fill in what ended up happening as a result of that ‘failure’ - it helps you re-evaluate the impact of these ‘failures’
- In life, some things can’t just be taught - you must go through something before you can understand the lessons gained from it - the lessons come after the test

One right decision can get us back on track. Just one really intentional and mindful moment can change the trajectory of the mood or experience that we are having. – Robyne

Additional Resources:
- Your Time - Peter and Robyne’s new asynchronous learning experience is now available! Please click the link to learn more.
- Big Heart Journey with Taes

Hosted by Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe and Peter Katz
Produced by Trevor Campbell
Edited by Sean Ban Beaton
Theme song by Peter Katz 
Podcast cover art by Trevor Campbell 
Show logistics by Erin Marshall and Jenna Green 

Connect with Peter Peterkatz.com | Peterkatzspeaks.com 
Connect with Robyne Drrobyne.ca  

Follow Peter and Robyne on social media:
Peter Katz: Facebook: @peterkatzmusic | Instagram: @peterkatzmusic
Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe: Instagram: @dr_robynehd | Twitter: @dr_robynehd

2024 © All Rights Reserved


Episode 60: A Place To Land


Episode 58: The Overwhelm Threshold